Frequently Asked Questions

First-Year FAQ

What is the process for applying for a merit-based admissions scholarship and what are the criteria?

All students who submit a complete application by the priority deadline are automatically considered for our merit scholarships.

No additional steps or materials are needed. The minimum criteria for scholarship awards vary each year depending on the academic profile of the applicant pool.

How many scholarships are awarded each year?

The number of scholarships awarded depends on the funding made available each year.

Do you have scholarships for international students?

Admitted international freshman are automatically considered for our out-of-state tuition waiver scholarship. International students are also encouraged to review information on other funding resources at the Center for Global Engagement.

When are students notified of scholarship offers?

Students are notified of a scholarship offer at the time their admission decision is made available on the application status check portal.

Are students notified if they are not offered a scholarship?

No. FSU does not send notification to students who did not receive one of our merit-based scholarships. If no indication of an award is visible on your application status check portal, then we are not able to offer you an award.

Will FSU match other scholarships I have been offered by colleges/universities?

FSU typically does not engage in scholarship matching.

Can I defer my scholarship?

No, if a student is not able to attend for the term they were admitted for, they must reapply and they will be reevaluated for scholarship eligibility during the application process.

How do I accept my scholarship offer?

Students do not need to contact the FSU Office of Admissions to accept their scholarship award. After completing next steps to secure a place in our first-year class, students will be able to accept their scholarship award along with the rest of their financial aid award.

Please see the FSU Financial Aid Calendar and the Accept/Decline Award Tutorial Video for detailed information.

I'm a National Merit Finalist. Am I eligible for a scholarship?

National Merit finalists who list FSU as their first-choice institution with the NMSC by May 1 of their senior year are eligible to receive an annual college-sponsored award.

National Merit Finalists are also eligible for either the Benacquisto Scholarship or the Out-of-State National Merit Scholarship. Please visit ourscholarships page for more information.

How does my admissions scholarship affect my Bright Futures/ Florida Pre-Paid Plan?

The Florida Prepaid Plan qualifies a student as a Florida resident for tuition purposes. If you are receiving Florida Prepaid, you are not eligible for an out-of-state tuition waiver. Instead, we update your scholarship to reflect the in-state Vires scholarship. Your records will be updated as soon as you submit your Florida prepaid documentation.

You must apply for Bright Futures during your senior year, so please contact your school, visit our Bright Futures webpage, or contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance at the Florida Department of Education if you have any questions.

In the event you have Florida Prepaid and Bright Futures, Florida Prepaid will be applied to the tuition cost first. Then, any other funds awarded (scholarship, grants, loans) will be applied to your account balance, followed by the Bright Futures awards. Students can opt to have excess funds refunded to them via direct deposit with FSU Student Finance.

Will the scholarship cover my admissions tuition deposit and orientation registration fees?

No. Scholarship funds are not made available until right before the start of the semester. You will need to submit the deposit as well as register and pay for your New Nole Orientation by the published deadlines.

Do you have scholarships for transfer students?

Information on transfer scholarships can be found on our transfer finances page. We also encourage transfer students to review funding resources provided by the FSU Office of Financial Aid and review the FS4U scholarship database.

Currently Enrolled FAQ

When will my award be disbursed?

Students who meet the renewal requirements will see their award disbursed to their student account a few weeks prior to the start of the semester. Be advised that it is your responsibility to monitor your account and there may be a difference between the time that your award is disbursed and when it appears in your account. If you have any questions regarding your scholarship award, please contact us at

I am receiving a waiver from both the admissions office and my department, but the departmental waiver has not yet appeared. When can I expect to receive the departmental waiver?

Departmental waivers are processed separately from admissions awards. Please contact your department for more information on when to anticipate that portion of your award.

Can I have multiple disbursements applied to a single semester?

Multiple disbursements of a single award in the same semester are not permitted.

I am enrolled in an FSU Special Programs major (ie: film, dance, music) that requires a schedule that does not allow for me to be enrolled in 15 hours every semester. How do I maintain my award?

Students in special programs will be expected to maintain full-time enrollment and adhere to the academic map for their major. Consideration of the map and the recommendations of the departmental advisors will also be considered when reviewing for award renewal.

What can I use my scholarship for?

The admission scholarship may be used to pay any expenses you have at FSU like tuition, housing, dining, books, and more.

If you have excess funding for a particular term because of financial aid, Bright Futures, your admission scholarship, etc., the balance will be directly deposited in your bank account.

Can I use my award towards FSU International Programs? Global Exchange?

Admissions scholarships can be utilized towards FSU International Programs with the exception of the Out of State Tuition Waivers. There are no out-of-state fees associated with International Programs. Both in-state and out-of-state students pay the same program fees for study abroad experiences. No awards can be applied to Global Exchange. More information about financial considerations for FSU International Programs can be on the International Programs website.

How do I request taking less than 15 hours for an upcoming semester?

The request for an underload must be submitted by the last day of course registration for the upcoming semester. Allow three to five business days for a review of your request. Please note that submitting a request for an underload does not guarantee approval.

I require accommodations and/or I have a medical need that will necessitate taking fewer than 15 hours per semester while at FSU. How can I document this?

Students who do not meet the minimum criteria for scholarship requirements will be notified via email after final grades post at the end of each term. Students who are anticipating an unsatisfactory performance prior to this date are encouraged to contact

Students should register with the FSU Office of Accessibility Services (OAS). You can submit proper documentation through the Admissions Scholarship Underload & Disbursement request form.

What will happen if I fall below the scholarship requirements?

Students that do not meet the minimum criteria for scholarship requirements will be notified via email after final grades post at the end of each term. Students anticipating unsatisfactory performance prior to this date are encouraged to contact

I am finishing my undergraduate degree in less than four years. How can I get the remainder of my scholarship?

FSU Admissions scholarships can only be applied to academic pursuits at our institution. Students who complete their undergraduate studies in less than four years and who do not pursue graduate level coursework at FSU are no longer eligible to receive their scholarship.

Can I use my remaining disbursements towards graduate studies at FSU?

Students who complete their undergraduate studies at FSU may request that their remaining disbursements be applied to graduate-level coursework at FSU. Please submit requests via the Admissions Scholarship Underload & Disbursement request form 1-2 semesters prior to the start of graduate school.

The semester began and it is currently past the drop/add period. I need to drop a course that I am not doing well in. Am I permitted to do so?

Students who need to drop a course are permitted to do under urgent circumstances, but please keep in mind your records will be reviewed to ensure you are maintaining consistent, successful degree progress and course completion. If you are frequently below the required enrollment threshold, or if you are repeatedly dropping coursework after the drop/add period, you may be at risk for losing your award.

Note: Benacquisto scholars are not permitted to complete course drops after the drop/add period. Please contact the admissions office with any concerns about maintaining your current enrollment.